Intentional Educational Programs

Combined with attachment-based care, our model is complimented by our intentional educational programs.

The Hutton Settlement organizes around a philosophy that all children maintain an inherent goodness and worth. With this foundation, and the recognition of their varied histories of hardship, the Hutton Settlement compassionately facilitates the following programs to foster regeneration and resilience. These campus programs focus on:

  1. Fostering psychological security through resonant relationships
  2. Deepening ecological awareness and one’s sense of belonging
  3. Increasing social cohesion and personal welfare through collective learning, work and play

Attachment-Based Care

The Hutton Settlement provides on-site, wrap around services that build a genuine community of care.

We believe deep change and healing occurs, not from brief stays focused on behavioral management practices, but on sustainable and attuned relationships focused on building secure connections. This approach patiently fosters safety and trust, and assists in forming and maintaining a child’s relationship with both their parents and direct care staff. Our model of care is guided by the Circle of Security attachment-based parenting method intending to enhance awareness and emotional attunement. With many of our children dealing with social and behavioral health issues associated with complex trauma and insecure attachments, we invest in building capacities and skills in emotional intelligence through social emotional learning opportunities.


Social, Emotional & Talent Development

Our youth development coaches lead participants in personal and social exploration to build preparedness for life success in relationships, college, career and citizenry. Program includes season emotional intelligence intensives in a retreat format centered on Six Second’s model of "Knowing Yourself, Choosing Yourself and Giving Yourself." Available to all residents from grades 8-12.



Ecoliteracy expansion while engaging in various permaculture projects on campus and beyond through outdoor learning, field trips & research, adventure expeditions, and conservation projects. The club is open to everyone who shares an interest in sustainability and enjoying our natural world. The club is facilitated by certified permaculture designers and National Geographic educators. Select club members
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